0Friday. 10th September [1897]—Salce, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 September 1897 — Salce, Belluno
Friday. 10th September [1897]. I left Villa Eden today after lunch. Carry drove me down in her own carriage. There was a little rain en route but it cleared by the time we reached Feltre. I made myself some tea before getting to Treviso where we had to change trains. Got to Venice at 6.20. Rawlinson my servant met me at the station. He, the footman, kitchen maid & cook had arrived here from England at 4 this morning. Just as I was getting into the gondola Genl de Horsey accosted me– He had come to be the first to welcome me back in Venice. How kind & thoughtful of the dear old man! I was low & sat at the home coming. I got some food & went early to bed. There was thunder & rain in the night. It has not rained here for 2 months they say & there is a heavy scirocco.

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