0Thursday. 16th [September 1897]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 September 1897 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 16th [September 1897]. Breakfasted in our rooms. Guggenheim came & presented Mr Anderson to me. Though an Englishman born in Rome he cannot speak English. After lunch Lady Vivian & I went to Mario della Torri’s antiquity shop—& then returned home had tea & waited to see the Queen of Italy & the Dss d’Aosta pass up the Canal on their way from the station. They arrived at 5. We went out again for a row before dinner. After dinner we went out again to the Piazza but were too late to see the Queen come out on the balcony at the cries of the populace. The square was illuminated.

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