0Friday. 17th [September 1897]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 September 1897 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 17th [September 1897]. The Photographer came & began to do the pictures in the morning. I had to find great fault with the butler for neglect of duty & being always out of doors. Hope he will improve. It is difficult for a woman to manage men servants. Lady V & I went out in gondola to Piazza after lunch. Home to tea expecting a Mr & Mrs Way (U.S.) who brought me letters of introduction from Lady Somers. They did not come so we went out for a row again towards the station. Fine effect of storm clouds. After dinner we went out in gondola to hear the serenade on the canal. An illuminated barge anchored outside the Municipio where the Sindaco was giving a party in honor of the British Fleet. “God save the Queen” was played several times at great length. The Q. of Italy & her suite came to hear it also & remained till 11. She was recognised & the people called for the “Marcia Real” wh was twice played. Home to bed at 11–

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