0Friday. 15th October [1897]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 October 1897 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 15th October [1897]. Went on typing. Countess Pasolini came about 11 & brought with her Signor Gabriele d’Annunzio the writer & deputy for Parliament. He is a very small rather finicky looking man—with pleasant manners. The Countess did not remain very long but d’Annunzio remained & I showed him the pictures & ended by showing him Castelazzo’s works & my bust of the latter. He was good eno’ to admire my work & the bust I did of Ola far beyond their merit. After lunch Nela & I went to the Eden’s garden & I gave them the sketch in watercolours I did of their hall at Salce wh they were also pleased with so that today I got much praise & felt how little I merit any of it. On our return found Cortelazzo here having come from Vicenza for the night. He looks frail & does not walk easily owing to his age (78) & to his use of chemicals at his work. He dined with us & retired to smoke in the pantry at 9. Nela & I played cards till 11 when Francie & Fred Thesiger returned from Rimini where they went on their tour south.

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