0Tuesday. 26th [October 1897]—Villa Pisani, Vescovana
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 October 1897 — Villa Pisani, Vescovana
Tuesday. 26th [October 1897]. Today at 2.30 Nela & I started off to drive to Countess Miari’s as she had kindly invited Nela to go to play lawn tennis with her. Besides Mme Conti we found there Ct Miari & two sisters who were there with their children. We stayed till 4.30. Nela played tennis, I sat with Mme Conti on the balcony of the little summer house close by & watched the games. When it was over we had tea there & then returned home & took a 2nd cup of tea with the Countess. Read aloud in the evening. Read aloud some of Keats’ poems.

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