0Monday. 22nd [November 1897]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 November 1897 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 22nd [November 1897]. Brilliant sunshine again. Herr Passini brought Countess Helène Harrach (née Pourlatis) & her daughter at 11 to make my acquaintance & to see the pictures. She is still a beautiful woman—& very charming– She looked over the whole house & expressed herself as pleased with it. Luckily the brilliant sunshine made us look our best & she was very amiable. I enjoyed her visit very much. After lunch Nela went off for a walk with my maid & I went to the Eden’s garden & begged for some flowers. Both Mr & Mrs Eden were there & gave me a large bunch of chrysanthemums & also of roses.

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