0Saturday. 19th March [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 March 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 19th March [1898]. Kitty & I went by 11.15 train to Hatfield to see Monty Alderson. We got there under an hour & walked to the Chaplain’s house where Monty received us. He has a very nice house. Half of what once was the great posting inn the “Salisbury Arms” just at the gates of the park. One of the other curates lodges there & also Reggie Monty’s youngest brother. We occupied our morning in arranging his rooms & cleaning some of his furniture. We had an excellent lunch in the curate’s sitting room as he was absent. After lunch it unfortunately began to rain so we could only go round the rooms of the Great House & then to the conservatories. We went to a shop to see some old furniture & then hastened to the station & returned to town by 4.15 train. It was a pouring wet eveng & we were glad to get home. There are various reports as to Lord Salisbury’s illness. He is suffering from over work & influenza & it is an anxious moment.

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