0Sunday. 27th [March 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 March 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 27th [March 1898]. I went with Nellie to Half Moon St directly after breakfast to meet the Drs—Bond & Gould—who were to have a thorough examination of Arthur’s state. Was happy to have a very good report. They find him much stronger & say the tumour has not increased. I went to the 12 o’cl service at the Chapel Royal St James. Heard Bishop Willkinson preach. A curious sermon earnest but not to my taste. Amongst other things he said “All intelligent men & women must wish to go to Heaven”—& then proceeded to tell of a conversation he had once had with a lady one of our highest leaders of fashion who had said to him “Mr Wilkinson I have everything I could possibly wish for now why should I wish to go to Heaven.” He added no more on the subject leaving us uncertain as to the moral. Dacre & Arthur Du Cane lunched with me. Sir Henry Thompson came to tea & we had a long talk abt food & he gave me some most interesting & useful information as to digestion &c. I went to the 7 o’cl service at St James’ Piccadilly & dined alone at 8.30 & early to bed. It drizzled nearly all day but is not quite so cold as yesterday.

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