0Tuesday. 29th [March 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 March 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 29th [March 1898]. Went to see Arthur directly after lunch & then Nellie & I walked together. We went to Wimborne Hse to see Elaine & found Corise Rodney there also. Elaine showed us some of her wedding presents which I did not admire much. Wanting to find out what present I should give her I settled on a travelling tea basket so we went on to Drew’s in Piccadilly Circus & ordered one for her. Then we went in search of a travelling clock to add to my gift as I thought the basket hardly important eno’ to give her alone– I came home & Nelly returned to Half Moon St. Blanche came to tea & brought Onie with her– She then went off to the dentist & Onie & I walked to Cavendish Square & did some shopping on the way. Blanche wanted me to see some new silk curtains she has just put up in the drawing rooms. I sat a little while with Edward who has the gout again. We walked about the news from China & the part Russia is playing in taking Port Arthur. Edward says it is supposed it will not affect England’s position in the Far East. To me it seems a slap in the face of Great Britain—& I think we have been duped by Russia. I walked home at 7. Lady Gregory dined & was calmer.

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