0Wednesday. 30th March [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 March 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 30th March [1898]. Yesterday having been Monty’s birthday & having forgotten that fact till the evening I hurried out this morning after breakfast to buy him a little present & then worked at sorting Henry’s papers. At 12 I went off to Lady Burdett Coutts to ask her to look into the reports on the Irish family said to be existing in some places. Only saw her for a moment & then returned home—lunched & went out directly after to see Arthur. Blanche called for me in her carriage & took me with her & Onie & Irène to Lady Thompson’s at 35 Wimpole St that the girls might play their violins before her she being such a judge of music. Blanche accompanied them on the piano. Lady Thompson was very encouraging & approved of the girls’ playing. Poor old lady she who once was a great pianist Kate Loder by name is now paralysed & sits there hand & foot motionless—but she is kind & good & patient & everyone loves her. Last Monday Joachim took his players & played quintetts to her in her drawing room—quite in private– Met at Lady Thompson Mrs Mckinley whose daughter of 13 is a musical genius on the violin & already plays in public. Went home by 5. Lady Gregory dined with me.

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