0Tuesday. 5th [April 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 April 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 5th [April 1898]. Nela came to luncheon & directly after I & she walked to Half Moon St & she went on alone & I went to see Arthur. He was sitting up in his chair. Nelly & I walked to Q. Anne Mansions to look for my umbrella which I had left at Lady G.’s when I went there last night. I was happy to find it. I am lucky abt umbrellas. I still have the umbrella I bought when I was married in 1869 & a 2nd one which I bought abt 10 years ago for fear I might lose the first. I dined alone today & worked hard at sorting Henry’s letters & finished them.

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