0Sunday. 10th [April 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 April 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 10th [April 1898]. I went to 9.30 service at the German Chapel Royal where there is an English service. Stayed for the 10 o’cl matins & wh lasted till 11. I then walked to Half Moon St & sat a while with Arthur & then went home for a bit before setting out for Park Crescent where I lunched with the Du Canes & then walked home by 3.30. Mr Herbert Thompson called on me also Mrs Alexander Bagot & Sophy. She remained some time & then I accompanied her to her house & left her there. I went to see the Rates again & had a chat. Home to dinner. Nellie dined with me & we went early to bed.

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