0Tuesday. 12th April [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 April 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 12th April [1898]. The town is awake again & the traffic returned as usual. These last days have seemed strange they were so quiet. I walked out in the morning & went to Albemarle St to see Hallam Murray about a passage in a book lately published by Profr Max Müller in wh he says Henry told him that when he spoke to his Arab workmen if they did not understand his English he shouted at them– If they did not understand that he used his stick & if that was no use he shot them”– It was such a monstrous assertion especially as Henry was so gentle in character that I cannot let it pass. Hallam agreed & said he wd write to Longman who published the book. After lunch I went to see Arthur & then Nellie & I took a walk to the top of New Oxford St to get Arthur a book holder to stand by his couch & there we separated. Connie came to tea– I dined alone & went early to bed.

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