0Wednesday. 13th April [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 April 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 13th April [1898]. 3 Savile Row. Nellie Alderson staying with me. I wrote & worked in the morning. Theodora Guest arrived from Inwood to meet Louis Du Cane & they set off after a hasty lunch to see over houses for hire. As the Merthyr Guests are coming up to town this season to let their daughter the season. After lunch I walked to Half Moon Street to see my brother Arthur who was sitting up in a chair. I remained there till past 3 when Blanche’s carriage called for me & I drove to 25 Park Crescent & picked up my sister Maria & we drove together. We called on Connie & I left some cards on different people & then returned home at 4.30 & found Theo returned from her house hunt & having tea. We sat & chatted a bit & then she left for Waterloo Station to return to Inwood by 5.55 train. Miss Oswell came to dinner & we worked over Henry’s MS of his memoirs till 11 P.M. The news from Spain interested me particularly today—war between her & the U. States still threatens—& Cuba is surely lost to her. Henry always said this was inevitable sooner or later– Spain has always misgoverned that Island & the U. States has always wanted it for herself.

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