0Monday. 18th April [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 April 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 18th April [1898]. I went to see Miss Jeffery Blanche’s secy at the Garry Hill shop in Brook St & then I walked on to Dr Field the dentist in Park St & home to lunch. Afterwards I walked to Half Moon St & sat with Arthur as Nellie went away & left us together he talked to me about his illness. He said the Drs had told him that unless he had the operation he cd not live a week. That they thought he had got stone but on operating had found a tumour wh was such as could not be removed—& “so they cut into me & I am living with 2 tumours in me—& tho’ the Drs dont know for certain I dont think I have more than a year to live. The question is whether the tumour is quiescent or on the increase.” He spoke calmly & quietly & seemed to have looked the thing in the face. He said he was going to try & walk abt a little & had an engagement to take a walk with a lady (his nurse). I came home & sat quiet the rest of the afternoon. I met Monty at this door. We talked about Arthur & I told him what he has said to me. Miss Susie St Quentin came to tea with me. She was a friend of my youth & still looks young. Elaine arrived from Norfolk to stay with me. Her brother Henry came & dined with us & took Elaine afterwards to the play– Nellie & I sat & worked together till bed time. Elaine came in at 11.30 & sat on my bed talking some time & slept in my dressing room– She is very happy & devoted to her fiancé. News from America bad today & war looms–

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