0Saturday. 7th [May 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 May 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 7th [May 1898]. Began to move out of my bedroom & had it all cleaned & prepared for Arthur. Had a visit from Lady Laura Redding, Sophy Palmer’s sister– Very nice & kind & friendly. Also a visit from Mrs Holford—(née Lindsay) looking very pretty with her soft white hair framed in a simple & becoming black. She was very nice & sympathetic—said she wanted me to go & see her in the country & also in London. I told her I feared I could not leave my brother—but would see her in town. After lunch I went to Half Moon street. Found Arthur extraordinarily better. He spoke with pleasure of the coming to me—was reading newspapers & was in good humour. Merthyr came while I was with him & after sitting with them a little I left the 2 brothers together. I found Theo with Nellie & she offered to drive me home in her carriage wh I accepted. Aura was in the carriage. She has been brought to town for her first season & Merthyr has taken the Hallam Murray’s house at 49 Montagu Sqr. I had a visit from Lady Margaret Jenkins who came to enquire after Arthur having heard he was worse. Then at 4 came Mr Bond with Arthur’s nurse to see the rooms here & give directions abt the move. Gus Alderson came to tea & then Merthyr turned up—& later Edward Duncannon—then Connie & Bee– I went on foot to Cav. Sqr & dined with Onie & Irene Ponsonby to give Jane our cook a rest as she has a bad knee. I came home early & slept in the upstairs room– When Nellie came home she came to my room & told me Arthur was rather better & that he would come here on Monday at 8 in the evening. There had been a sudden discharge from the tumour.

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