0Wednesday. 11th [May 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 May 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 11th [May 1898]. Mary Alderson came & saw Arthur for a few moments & he was pleased to see her & told Nellie I wished to give her & Mary & Onie & Irène tickets to go one night to the theatre. Mary stayed all the morning & helped Nellie to get the studio in order as we are going to use if for a dining room & Nellie made a corner snug for her to sit in. Mary lunched with us & returned directly after to 17 Cav. Sqr where she is staying. After lunch Nellie & I took our coffee in the drawing room with Arthur as we were used to do at Half Moon Street. His head was not very clear & he found it difficult to be connected. It was rather painful. At 3 Nellie & I went for a walk—& shopped & returned home to tea—with Arthur. Dined in the studio– Arthur retired to his room at 8—I went early to bed & Nellie went home to sleep at Half Moon St as there is no place for her here–

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