0Saturday. 14th [May 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 May 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 14th [May 1898]. This morning heard that Arthur had had a rather good night but found he was in bed & he remained there all day till Mr Bond came at 5. Mildred came in the morning but Arthur said he could not see her. Col. Larkin came & after waiting a little while did not see him either. He slept a good deal & did not talk much. I sat some time in his room. Mary A. lunched with us & we had coffee in his room afterwards. We all 3 May, Nellie & I took a walk & then Mary went back to Cav. Sqr. Mr Bond had tea with Nellie & me & when he returned from his visit to Arthur looked very grave—& we discussed as to when Rhuvon had better come from Egypt. Arthur was wheeled in on his couch to the drawing room abt 5.30 after his bath. I sat with him till 8 when I went off to dine with the Rates & came home at 10 when he was asleep– He was very silent all whole day—slept a good deal & had the greatest difficulty in finding the right words to convey his meaning. It was very painful—I fear he is slipping from us. Mr Bond said he does not think he will last out 6 weeks– He looks very ill. It is heartrending. New Parlour maid came.

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