0Thursday. 2nd June [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 June 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 2nd June [1898]. A showery day. At 11 I went off with Nurse Papworth to the National Hospital for Paralysis & Epilipetics, where she had her 3 years training, in Bloomsbury Square. It is a model hospital not very large—but clean & prettily arranged. We got home just before lunch. Arthur lunched with me & Nellie as usual. He retired to his own room & I remained in the drawing room. He saw Jack Mansell this morning while I was out. Mildred came to enquire after her father later but did not see him. Mrs Jellico arrived abt 4 & sat with me in the drawing room waiting to see Arthur but he did not return to the drawing room till after Mr Bond had been & given him his bath. We were giving Mr Bond his tea afterwards when in walked Arthur Du Cane with Rhuvon, Arthur’s son. Mr Bond took him to Arthur’s room who was delighted to see him. Mrs Jellico & Rhuvon played bésique with Arthur & we left them till dinner time when Mrs J. left & Rhuvon dined with me. Nellie dined out. Rhuvon sat with his father who was in bed then, after dinner—for a little & then went away to sleep at Half Moon Street.

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