0Saturday. 4th [June 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 June 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 4th [June 1898]. Being tired when I woke I breakfasted in bed & got up by 11. I expected a maid to call then to see if she would suit for Maria’s attendant. As she did not come I went out walking with Nellie to Oxford Street. There to our surprise we met Monty Alderson who was in town from Hatfield for the day. He walked a little way with us & we parted. Rhuvon had breakfasted with his father but went away afterwards till tea time. Nellie & I lunched with Arthur—but he was not quite so well– Mrs Jellico came & she & Rhuvon played bésique near Arthur after tea. Rhuvon dined with us & walked to Half Moon Street with Nellie at 10.

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