0Monday. 13th June [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 June 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 13th June [1898]. We got up to breakfast in our room at 9 as usual and I went off at 10 to the dentist taking Nurse Gillingham with me as she was suffering from toothache. Dr Chamberlain attended first to her & she went off. I remained there till 11. Kate went off [to] the station at 10 with Nelly to see her off to Peterboro’ as she had to return home. I had a long visit from Nela Du Cane who sat & chatted while I worked. Rhuvon, Nellie & I lunched with Arthur. Miss Oswell came to bring me some typewriting & we had her up to luncheon as we had not quite finished. She was very pleased as she had not seen Arthur since he fell ill. At 5.30 Nellie & I went for a walk to shop. Near Regents Park a detachment of Guards passed us returning from the Levée & in one of the officers we recognised Freddie Guest. In Baker St we saw Mrs Sydney Glyn driving & she stopped & talked to us. We went on to Montagu Sqr & called on Theo & then hurried home to our 5 o’cl tea. Mrs Jellico & Rhuvon were there. Mr Bond came to give Arthur his bath & had tea with us & stayed chatting & smoking some time. At 5.30 I walked up Bond St & bought some embroidery silks for a piece of work for Kate & then on to see Blanche & Edward. Gwenth & 2 little Asquith children were there rehearsing a French Play they are going to act. Returned home & dined in studio with Rhuvon & then we sat in the gloaming talking to Arthur who did not go to bed till 9.30. Today “the little Jap” as we called Nurse Gillingham left. She was moved to tears at going—so we see she has been happy here. She said Arthur nearly broke down when she bid him goodbye. He tells Nurse Papworth they give him 6 months to live. It seems a cruel thing to have told him. The new nurse                I remembered to have seen at Mrs Rate. She was with her last year. She is older & tall & strong. Bond says she is an excellent nurse & he knows her well.

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