0Tuesday. 21st [June 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 June 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 21st [June 1898]. Already at the longest day of the year & a very hot sultry one it is! We had our French lesson of Mlle Diamanti & at 12.30 Blanche called in hopes of paying Arthur a visit but he cd not see her at that moment. When I went up to luncheon I found him sitting in the wheeled chair I had got him a fortnight since & wh he has never had courage to try. He remained in it wheeling himself from his bedroom & sitting in it this lunch with Rhuvon & me & then afterwards wheeled himself on to the drawing room—& then returned to his couch for the rest of the day. Abt 3 I had a visit from Nela Du Cane & she accompanied me to the Bank of England over the way where I saw Sir Arthur Birch & asked permission to deposit my box of papers containing the MS of Henry’s memoirs in the bank. As he consented I sent them across from our front door to the Bank door on the opposite side of the Row feeling much relieved, after specially our late alarm, at those papers being deposited in safety from fire. Miss Oswell had come just after lunch & added the last sheet of them to the tin box & locked it. Mr Bond came to tea at 5—& after giving Arthur his bath had tea with us. He gave a good report of his patient. When he had left I went for a walk. Called for a moment on Blanche. Finding our brother Ivor sitting with her I did not stay there but went on to see Maria who was well tho’ tottery. Nela & Daisy walked part of the way home with me. Nellie & Rhuvon to dinner in studio. We sat a short time with Arthur after dinner when he was in bed.

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