0Sunday. 26th June [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 June 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 26th June [1898]. Rhuvon being out of town I breakfasted with Arthur in the drawingroom at 10. Connie came in to see me at 11—& at ¼ 12 she went to the service at the Chapel Royal St James whither Nurse Papworth & I followed her. There was a beautiful Anthem of Wesley’s sung—& Teignmouth Shore preached a short & good sermon. I got home at 1.30 just in time for lunch with Arthur & Nellie. Sat with him in the afternoon. Ivor came to see him at 4. I had a visit from Mrs Hy White of Australia & her step daughter. Tea at 4. Mrs Jellicoe came. Nellie & I went for a walk abt 6 leaving Arthur & Mrs J. at bésique. We walked thro’ Green Park to Belgravia & then I left Nellie at Half Moon St to dress & go out to dinner. I went to call on Cornelia & found her at home. She gave me some flowers for Arthur wh I took to him. I sat with him a bit & then at 8.15 I took a hansom & went to Cav. Sqr & dined with the Duncannons. They had begun dinner & did not expect me. Lord St Germans was there. Also Mr Walter Ponsonby & Mr A. Burton. I walked home escorted by the 2 latter.

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