0Tuesday. 28th June [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 June 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 28th June [1898]. Nellie & I had our french lesson from Mlle Diamanti. Rhuvon, Nellie & I lunch with Arthur in the lobby on the stairs. Nellie went out after. I remained at home. Lady Vivian called about 5 & we had tea together in my sitting room—so Arthur had his coffee alone. Just as I was going out for a drive with Louie Vivian Nellie came in & went to sit with Arthur. It had been a hot day & a drive through the Park was very refreshing. Lady V. brought me home about 7. Nellie & Rhuvon dined with me in the studio. I was not very well all day & was glad to go early to bed.

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