0Sunday. 10th [July 1898]—3 Savile Row
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10 July 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 10th [July 1898]. Breakfasted in my room & went to German Chapel Royal service at 10. Coming out I met Sir Francis & Lady de Winton. I had not seen her for many years—& at one time I saw so much of her. At Consple when her husband was military attaché she lived in the Embassy & I nursed her thro’ typhoid fever. She is still handsome—& very little altered from those times. When I got home I found Connie who had come to enquire after Arthur. She stayed till nearly 11 & then went off to church. Jack Mansel & Mildred both came. Rhuvon & Nellie both sat with Arthur but he slept a great deal all day. Edward Duncannon came to see me with his 2 boys Miles & Bertie before lunch. Nellie & Rhuvon lunched with me in studio. Nela called & stayed a little while. Mr Macauley the SWR’s secretary called to see me & enquire after Arthur. He was much concerned at hearing his state & spoke with affection and admiration of him—& of his great talent for business & said how he would be missed. I went up to Arthur’s bedroom afterwards & sat with him & he said distinctly “Don’t go away.” Abt 5 Mrs Jellicoe came & Nelly who had been out returned & we had tea downstairs. Elaine & Ernest Villiers also came to tea. Mr Bond came to give Arthur his bath & then joined us at tea. Nellie, Mr B. & Mrs Jellicoe & Rhuvon went up to the drawing room to smoke & waited for Arthur to be brought in but he did not come till after Mr B. had left. When the Villiers had left I joined them & we sat quietly there. At 7 Arthur made me understand he wished Nurse called to take him to his room. Nurse Gould took him there & tried to get him to go to bed but we found out he merely wished to remain there on his couch. Nellie & Rhuvon stayed with him till 8 when Nellie went out to dinner & Rhuvon & I dined in the studio & he smoked in the patio. At 9.30 he & I walked to 17 Cav. Sqr & paid a visit for an hour. The 3 boys are at home the Cyril Ponsonbys & Mr A. Burton were there also dining. Onie sang. Rhuvon brought me home at 10.30. I spent an hour in Arthur’s room. He was trying to talk & explain to me but I could not make out what– It was mostly about “her & she” & I fancy it must be a reminiscence of his old days with his wife. It made me very sad.

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