0Tuesday. 6th [September 1898]—Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 September 1898 — Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
Tuesday. 6th [September 1898]. Daisy & I walked to the town directly after breakfast to shop & returned in a cab it being too hot to walk at 11. Read the papers aloud to Maria—the account of the battle at Omdurman fought last Friday a great victory for us which we hope will end the war– Wrote letters in the afternoon. We were having tea on the lawn when a carriage from Canford drove up containing our sister Constance & little Oscar Guest. They remained about 2 hours & then went back. I took a walk with Daisy down the chine to the sea beach & back by dinner at 8. Went early to bed. Daisy & I gave each other a French Dictée before we definitely retired.

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