0Tuesday. 8th [November 1898]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 November 1898 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 8th [November 1898]. Breakfast in bed. Got up at 11. Wrote letters. After lunch sat in the Belvedere. It was a lovely day & quite warm. Lady G. read aloud to me; at 3 we went out in gondola in search of stuff to cover a sofa—but without success. Went to Piazza & walked from there to the Curtis to call on them. They were out & from there we returned home in gondola. Mlle Maria Cozzi came to tea—then Iduna Bel: & later Ersilia Canevaro. They all talked much & loudly & I was almost bewildered by them. Mrs Eden just looked in to say she will come to lunch tomorrow to meet the Blumenthals. Ersilia took leave as she is going to join her husband at Rome for the winter to live at the Consulta de Minister of F. Affairs—& Maria goes with her. We dined at 8 & bed at 10–

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