0Tuesday. 13th [December 1898]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 December 1898 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 13th [December 1898]. Augusta packed in the morning & then we went out in the afternoon to tea with the Edens & that she might go on to the Curtis & then the Belmondos to bid them all goodbye. We dined at 8 & sat talking till nearly 11 & then went off to the station & she left by 11.15 train for Milan & will be there tomorrow morng at 6 & leave again at 7 for Bale at 4 P.M. At 10 she starts again & goes right thro’ to London which she will reach on Thursday afternoon. I returned home & went to bed. I shall miss her—we are such good friends.

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