0Friday. 13th [January 1899]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 January 1899 — Rome
Friday. 13th [January 1899]. All the morning wrote letters. Lunched at 1. At 2 had a visit from Count de Basterot a great friend of Lady Gregory’s. He is a Frenchman whose Irish mother left him a property in Co. Galway near Coole– He has a spinal complaint & walks with difficulty with 2 sticks. He winters always here. He stayed some time talking pleasantly on books & referred to the present state of France at which he is naturally much distressed—but seems as much puzzled as to the probable outcome of this Dreyfus affair as we strangers are. At 3 Ersilia Canevaro fetched me & we went to a Concert at the Sala Dante. The Queen of Italy was there. The singing was good but nothing very remarkable. The room was not very large. Scambati plays the piano well. It is the first time I have heard music or been to a place of public entertainment since my trouble. I dreaded it but go thro’ it better than I thought I should. I kept thinking how Henry would have enjoyed it—the concert was over at 5 & we went for a turn on the Pinchio & then to tea with Lady Somers & Addie & there met Sir P. Currie. Returned to my hotel I found a card from Lady Vivian asking me to go & dine there so I walked round to the Palazzo Borghese. Found her lying down being unwell. She told me she was worried—& then told me her children gave her trouble & unburdened her soul to me. I am so sorry for her. She got better & got up for dinner & afterwards she & her girl Violet went out to a party & brought me back to my hotel.

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