0Thursday. 19th [January 1899]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 January 1899 — Rome
Thursday. 19th [January 1899]. Paid a visit before lunch to Mme de Bülow who is staying in this hotel. Afterwards went for a walk & came in at 4. I had some tea & at 6 set out again & went to see Lady Vivian at Palazzo Borghese– She begged me to stay dinner—but I said I would go & see Donna Laura & return later. Donna L. had left word this afternoon between 6 & 7.30. I took a “batte” & went to Piazza Paganica 4 & went up to her apartment. She received me literally with open arms & kissed me over & over again. Hers is such a warm generous nature. I was quite upset & broke down. She & her husband had been such friends of Henry’s & mine & I had not seen her since Henry left me– She spoke much of old days—but we were not long together, a gentleman came in & having business with her I left her & walked back to Palazzo Borghese & dined with Louie Vivian & her twin girls. At ten thirty I walked back to the Hotel d’Angleterre.

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