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25 February 1899 — Rome | |
Saturday. 25th [February 1899]. I went to lunch with the Canevaros at the Consulta & only met 2 young nephews– Afterwards at 2 o’cl Braga came there to try over some music which he is going to play for Ersilia next Tuesday. A Marchesa della Pena, Donna Bionica del Grillo, Count Leonardi came also to hear it. Braga played his own “Serenade” accompanying Ersilia’s voice. It was delightful. He played a couple of pieces alone & then they tried over another trio of his composition “Trois bouquets de violettes.” At 4 we all dispersed & I walked back to the hotel & rested till 5 when I went to tea at Princess Aristarchi 37 Via 4 Fontane. I found a good many people who had been invited to meet me, who came in in a desultory manner. It was not very amusing. I left before 6 & walked back to Hotel d’Angleterre. Lady Louisa came to my room for an hour’s patience before dinner. I went out to dine with Baron Tucher, Bavarian Minister to the King. Met there Prince & Pss Reuss; she was very pleasant & cordial & kind & we spoke of old times when we were colleagues at Constantinople. They have not retired from diplomacy. He is looking very old & dried up—& is rather deaf. She said he had been ill—was 73—& required taking care of. Met also the new German Minister to the Pope– M. Spielmann took me to dinner. Met Pss Adescalchi, née d’Orsays & Princess . Baron Tucher has much taste is rich & has very good things, especially Gothic tapestries. He described how he had found & bought a tapestry made for his family—from an old German picture—which they presented to a church. It has the Tucher arms woven into it & is very interesting. The tapestries are in a room altogether hung with old red velvet & furnished in the style of an old German Nurembergian room. | |
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