0Sunday. 23rd [April 1899]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 April 1899 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 23rd [April 1899]. Called for Iduna & took her to morning service in the English Church. A very large congregation. After service we went to S. Moisé as Iduna wanted to go to a shop but we were soon driven home by a heavy shower. It cleared & in the afternoon I went over to the Eden garden & had tea with them in their tea house. Mme Wiel came there & brought with her old Mrs Edgecumbe. I had read, I believe, an account of her death in the papers some time ago & so could hardly believe my eyes when she appeared looking as pretty & sweet as ever but saying that she is now nearly blind. I begged her to come & lunch with me tomorrow which she promised to do. On my way home I paid Clara Montalba a visit & asked her also to luncheon.

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