0Friday. 5th [May 1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 May 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 5th [May 1899]. After lunch I walked to see Blanche & found Aunt Felicia sitting with her– Blanche went out driving & left us two to sit & talk together. I had not seen Felicia since Uncle Lindsey died. She looked very dignified in her deep mourning but seemed oppressed by all the crêpe in wh she was swathed. I suggested she should have less & she at once begged me to remove the long crêpe veil wh hung from her bonnet down her back. I told her I would do so had I the wherewithal. She begged me to go off at once with her to this house & do it at once—& she brought me home in her cab & I at once did what she desired. It is a stupid fashion of the modistes to oblige a poor widow to wear a couple of yards of heavy crêpe hanging at the back of her head. Felicia expressed her great satisfaction at having got rid of it. I gave her tea at 4.30 & she left by 5.40 train for Lincolnshire. George Gordon (Ld Stanmore’s son) called. He looks ill having caught typhoid on a journey to the Cape he has lately made. Merthyr called with his daughter—passing thro’ town. Dined at 8. Nellie went off to a theatre in the middle of dinner. Onie Ponsonby arrived after she had left, by way of dining with me. We played patience after dinner.

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