0Tuesday. 6th [June 1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 June 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 6th [June 1899]. Having arranged to drive out with Lady Vivian I went to Blanches & there found Connie & went to help her at a sale at Gros: House for an hour. After tea I lent my sister Maria my carriage & waited at home. After 5 Violet Vivian came to fetch me saying her mother was not well & wanted me to go & see her which I did. She was in bed & suffering much from her head. I remained with her for an hour & then hastened home, dressed & went to dine with Sir Francis & Lady de Winton in Ambassador’s Court St James’ Palace—quite a small home party only an old Mr Clark besides the 2 de Winton girls & the son Dick. I came home early tired out by the great heat. It was over 80º in the shade.

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