0Saturday. 1st July [1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 July 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 1st July [1899]. My 56th birthday. I went out driving & went to see Maria & took her out with me. Called on Miss Hogarth in 31 Egerton Terrace—a house she has moved to from Oakley Street Chelsea– Called also on Lady Agneta Montagu & saw her 69 Eaton Place. A charming house. Came home to tea & sent Maria on home. I dined with the old Miss Monks’ 4 Cadogan Square & met there Lord & Lady Ardilaun, Lord & Lady Halifax, Sir Herbert Miller (who sat next me at table), Lord Vaux, Mr George Russell, Mr Charles Alderson & Miss Leslie. Lord Ardilaun took me to table & was pleasant. I did not know Lord Halifax nor did I make his acquaintance & told my hostess that he would probably have been disgusted had he known I am sister in law to Lady Wimborne with whom he has been in such fierce controversy of late on Church matters. Sir Herbert Miller is a young man very musical who comes a great deal to Venice & whom I had never met before.

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