0Wednesday. 5th July [1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 July 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 5th July [1899]. Today is the 5th anniversary of my great loss. In the morning I walked to St Margaret’s Church to look at the tablet I have put there to remind people of Henry. I found all in order. I sat quietly in the cool church & thought of many things. It was a very hot day & abt 12 o’cl & then I walked back home & lunched alone. At 2.30 I walked off to Charing Cross station & took 3 o’cl train for Ladywell where I arrived at 3.20– I walked up the hill to the cemetery to see Grannie’s grave (Henry’s mother). I had not been there since 1893 with Henry & I found the road up there much changed, the country cottages are being swept away & pert little red brick villas are taking their places to the cemetery gates. I found Grannie’s grave wanted repair. The gold had washed out of the lettering & the inscription is no longer legible. I consulted with the gardener & he referred me to a stone mason just outside the place. I fetched him & we found also that the marble coping & iron chains all want repair. I commissioned the mason to send me an estimate to put the whole in order & returned to the station & took the 4.49 train back to Charing Cross. Walked back to Savile Row. Found Nela arrived to stay a couple of nights & had tea with her—Connie came in later. Nela dined out. Nellie & I dined together & she went out to a party at 10.30 & I went to bed very tired & sad– No one but me has remembered Henry today–

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