0Thursday. 6th [July 1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 July 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 6th [July 1899]. Sat quiet working & writing all morning. Nela went to see her mother & returned to luncheon at 1.30. We started out driving together & I left her in Cav. Sqr & she walked on home to go out with her mother. I went down in the carriage to Alfred Place to fetch Nelly & we went on together to her dressmaker a long way off to get a small job done for me—& home to tea. I went to dine at Mr Seymour Allen’s a cousin of the Aldersons. Lord Llangattock took me down to dinner. I had known him as Mr John Roll before he was made a peer. He is a good natured rather silly fat little man now. On my right I had Sir Wm Humphery. After dinner I sat talking to Molly his wife. The dinner lasted so long that it was eleven before the gentlemen joined us in the drawing room & we left & went home.

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