0Tuesday. 18th [July 1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 July 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 18th [July 1899]. Mme Nevada Palmer, Dr Palmer & Señor Pablo Casals came about 11 o’clock to bid me goodbye knowing that I leave town tomorrow. Before they were gone came an urgent letter from Violet Vivian begging me to go to her at once as her mother was very seriously ill. I got into a hansom & went off to Hans Place & found that they were in a dreadful state of alarm. Since Saty night Lady V. has been in a state of delirium & had frightened the girls very much & kept them in her room half the night. They called in Dr Maclagan who has put in two hospital nurses & told the girls they must keep away from their mother. I rushed off to see Dr Maclagan to ask him what he thought about it. He said it was a serious case & he could not tell how long it might last—but she is quite off her head. I told him her brother has been telegraphed for & he said he was glad to have some one of the family to confer with. I went back to the girls & told them not to be alarmed & I took the little one, Baby, home to luncheon with me—as she had been dreadfully frightened. Nellie came home to luncheon– I gave Baby a book to read while she rested in my room & while I had a visit from Sophy Palmer who is in town for the marriage of the Waldegrave girl. Sophy left after an early tea—then Merthyr, Theo & Aura came to tea—also Mrs & Miss Whelan the American who had been so anxious to know me. They seemed pleasant people but not very distinguished. The girl is nice looking but she shocked my brother Merthyr the other day when talking about riding, for she said she thought women ought to be allowed to ride astride. After tea I took Baby home & found Lady V. was a little better. Before I left their Aunt Mrs Ashton Smith came to see what she could do & I left them concerting. I was relieved to think poor Violet & Doris had some members of their family with them. Happily also Miss Kerm their old governess is with them & promises not to leave them. I got home at 7 & dressed & went with Nellie to dine with the Duncannons. It is a very hot night.

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