0Wednesday. 26th [July 1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 July 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 26th [July 1899]. Wrote letters, packed– Louis Du Cane came abt 11 to see me abt a necessary signature. I then went out walking with Nellie & shopped. She subsequently left me at Lady Humphery’s & I paid her a short visit of farewell. I came home to lunch & afterwards went out to see the Vivians & returned home to tea—& then was just starting to go & see Maria when she drove up to my door in a cab– I got into it & went up with her & Nela to their house—& sat with her for an hour & saw Richard & congratulated him on the end of the Rhuvon case. He Richard being Merthyr’s solicitor. Nela walked back with me as far as my door & I got in just abt 8 o’cl. Duncannon & Arthur Du Cane dined with Nellie & me.

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