0Thursday. 14th September [1899]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 September 1899 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 14th September [1899]. The young people rushed out soon after breakfast to see the Piazza– Kate & I set to work to put up mosquito curtains on the beds and to prepare the apartment on 1st floor & then to move those of the party who slept last night in servants’ rooms. Regina cooked our meals for us. Knapp helped to unpack. Pasquale carried our food into the dining room. The Alderson boys took it by turn to change plates &c & we got on very well & merrily with our kind of picnic life. After lunch Kate & I sat in my bedroom together & rested & had tea there at 5. Dined at 8 & the party went out by moonlight except Cecil & Monty who remained with me– We retired early to bed.

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