0Friday. 15th [September 1899]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 September 1899 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 15th [September 1899]. I remained in bed late & rested. After luncheon I went in gondola to Palazzo Rezzonico to see Mrs Browning who was on her sofa not very well. We had not met since the day last winter when I went to Naples to see her & to open the question of her return to her husband. We had much to say to each other. She looked well & was calm & seems thoroughly happy at being in her right place again. I sat with her an hour & then returned to 5 o’cl tea & then Kate & I went out for a quiet row. Got out on the Zattere & from thence she & I walked home. After dinner the whole party went to the Exhibition where there were bands & illuminations. I went early to bed. The Exhibition is one of modern pictures wh takes place here every 2 years. I have lent Passini’s portrait of Henry for it. Lenbach has several pictures there—but in general there is nothing remarkable there.

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