0Tuesday. 28th [November 1899]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 November 1899 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 28th [November 1899]. Busy morning typing &c. Hung in the dining room the pastel by Rosalba & her portrait by Longhi which till now were upstairs in my studio. I think they are good & ought to be where they are seen. Had a long visit from Mr Christie to talk over Church & Institute. Directly after lunch I went off in gondola to the Edens & they took me in their steam launch to Quattro Fontane at Lido. The tide was so low we had some difficulty in landing. It was lovely on the Lido & the air was still & the sun warm. Mr Eden rested on the sandbank while Carry & I walked by the sea on the sands. The tide was very low & a sandbank a little out at sea uncovered. Barelegged fishermen were digging in it for razor fish—there was not a ripple & the horizon was lost in a haze. Altho’ pretty warm while walking we found it almost cold before we got back to Venice. As we were embarking we met Mr Williamson who had arrived to take a walk. I went to tea with Iduna Bel. & met the Christies.

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