0Wednesday. 29th [November 1899]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 November 1899 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 29th [November 1899]. I went in the evening to the French Consulate where Mme Le Mallier has a weekly reception. M. & Mme Guarneri played. He is Italian professional & plays the violin rather well & married a French girl who is a pianiste. She thumped rather in playing her husband’s accompaniments & a Mme Bompard sang very charmingly. She is an amateur—wife of a French artist who comes every year to Venice to paint. She accompanies herself on the piano very well & sings delightfully. After the music we had tea in the long sala at a small table at one end. Evidently Mme L.M. has copied my fashion on Monday evenings & we all sat round the tea table wh was presided over by our hostess–

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