0Friday. 8th [December 1899]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 December 1899 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 8th [December 1899]. Tho’ it was blowing half a gale I walked off to the Montalbas in the morning & home to lunch. Afterwards I went to the Edens to go shopping with Carry but we decided that it was far too cold; so I sat there talking till 4 when we went off to take tea with Mr Williamson who lives at Pal: Capello Rio Marin. He has a charming apartment right at the top of the house—& has a nice bit of garden– He has a great deal of taste & has arranged his rooms charmingly. We got home by 5 glad to be out of the cold.

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