0Monday. 22nd [January 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 January 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 22nd [January 1900]. Wrote letters in morning. After lunch I walked to St George’s place & paid Heath the hatter’s bill then across the park I got into Park Lane & at the top of it met Mrs Rate & walked back to her door in S. Audley Street with her. Then took a cab & went to Marias. She being out I walked to Cav. Sqr to see Moody Mammas old maid, who is staying there & is ill. I found she is better. I walked home to tea– Soon after I had a long visit from Sir Edward Poynter. He looked through my illustrated copy of the Catalogue of the Pictures at Ca Capello & complimented me on my little water colour copies in it. He promised to meet me at the National Gallery & appointed next Monday morng. Lady Gregory came to dinner & left very soon after for some party.

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