0Friday. 26th [January 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 January 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 26th [January 1900]. Miss Faithfull not having come as she had promised to do at 10 last evening after she had seen Mrs Dring, came this morning to say everything has changed & the War office has accepted Mrs Dring & Mr Muchado’s offers– She furthermore said that Dr Hyslop of Bethlem Hospital has warmly taken up the idea as also his brother Capt. Campbell Hyslop & that a public meeting is to be called for tomorrow morning at St Martin’s Hall Trafalgar Square & they begged I would attend wh I said I would think about. Ola Du Cane came to lunch with me– She is in town for a few days from the Children’s Hospital at Nottingham where she is a “sister.” I walked to her mother’s with her after lunch– She was out & as it began to rain I went home. About 6 I had a visit from Arthur Du Cane & I told him all about the Madeira scheme & he promises to go with me tomorrow to the public meeting & will come & fetch me. Lady Gregory dined with me & Duncannon also & I asked him to be Chairman at tomorrow’s meeting but he said he could not.

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