0Saturday. 27th [January 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 January 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 27th [January 1900]. I woke with a bad headache but I got up by 11—& soon after Arthur Du Cane called & took me to the meeting. There were only abt 20 people at it. I was introduced to Mrs Dring a youngish looking woman rather colonial looking. Miss Faithfull & 2 sisters were there. The meeting began at once. Dr Hyslop was put in the chair & he, his brother & Arthur Du Cane did all the business—& named a working committee consisting of the two Hyslops, Mrs Dring, a Genl Turner, Mr Lawford, Mr Bowen & myself. I then came home & rested after lunch. Connie came to tea & gave me some advice on the subject which is valuable to me. Dined alone.

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