0Wednesday. 21st [February 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 February 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 21st [February 1900]. Molly came to luncheon with us & then she & Nellie & I walked together to Wigmore St where we helped Molly to choose furniture. Kate drove with Irène Ponsonby. At 5.30 we had a Madeira Committee meeting au grand complet. The Duchess of St Albans, Adeline Dss of Bedford, Lady Gwendolin Cecil, Sir Francis de Winton, Mr Cazenove, Dr Bond, self, Dr Hyslop in the chair. Both Dr Bond & Sir Francis were rather refractory & there was almost an altercation as to the appointment of a Medical Officer Dr Bond wishing his cousin Dr Grabham resident Dr at Madeira to be named. We staved it off– We were all bored with Dr Bond—especially by his manner which was overbearing & unpleasant. Adeline kept him in order– It was 7 before the meeting was over– I have a good many letters before me to write as Hon. Sec. We dined alone & early to bed.

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