0Friday. 23rd [February 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 February 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 23rd [February 1900]. Kitty left & returned home to Lutterworth by the noon day train. I lunched alone & then walked to Cadogan Sqr to call on Elaine Villiers, did not find her—went on to Eaton Place to call on Francie Thesiger—also out & so home. Arthur Du Cane came to tea & we had a long Madeira talk. Dined at 7 & Connie joined me. Then we drove off to a theatrical party at Bethlem Hospital. Saw “A pair of spectacles” acted by the Romany amateur company– Excellently done. A great many patients were there– The men all one side the ladies on the other. There were several Drs & their wives. After the performance we had refreshments in Mrs Hyslops dining room. I made acquaintance with Mr Savage the great Dr on insanity. Dr Wainwright & his pretty little wife were there. When all the guests were departed I had a confab on M.C.H. with Dr Hyslop & we agreed I should ask Dr Wainwright to volunteer to go to Madeira to take Capt. Hyslop’s place. The orchestra which played between the acts of the play was excellent. Led by Dr Hyslop who is a composer & musician, the performers are friends, patients & attendants.

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