0Saturday. 3rd [March 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 March 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 3rd [March 1900]. Wrote—typed—had interview with Nurse Stephens who is going on her own account to Madeira. Had a telegram from Dr Hyslop asking me to call a committee for this evening at 5. Telegraphed all round. Had a telephonic interview with Mr E. Cazenove (our Treasurer) in the Stock Exchange, also one with Adeline Bedford from her house & she asked me to lunch with her. At 12 Connie came in & arranged to dine with me tomorrow. Violet Vivian also came & told me she had found a lady to go abroad with her & asked if she might come to stay with me on Monday for 3 nights & start abroad from here wh we settled. I then walked with her & left her in Chesterfield St where she is now staying with Lady Hood & then went on to lunch with Addie. We talked over Madeira &c & I left at 3 o’cl & walked to Wilton Street & paid a visit to poor old Miss Seymour & sat some time with her. She is very quaint and I think I amused her– She always praises up Bismark, Gladstone & the present Emperor of Germany & runs down the Empress Frederick, Salisbury &c & tho’ I argue with her I give in to her prejudices & she enjoys it. She also talked about a charming young curate & that he tells her after death we all go to Hades not Hell, & I asked her what he knew about more than she or I do! On leaving here I walked home & it was 4.30 when I got in. Dr Bond came directly after & then Capt. Campbell Hyslop (now Major from today) & his brother Dr Hyslop—also the Dss of St Albans & Lady Gwendolin Cecil & we had tea & then discussed Madeira & heard what Major Hyslop had to tell us of his sojourn in Mada whence he arrived last night. It appears that all the English colony there are in favor of our scheme & that the Dring element is quite understood to be eliminated but we must accept the Muchado offer of the town of Villa Quinta de Monte. Just before 8 Miss Oswell arrived to give me a message & we worked at the Hammond machine all the evening as I kept her to dinner & she spent a happy evening—leaving at 11–

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